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Local Evaluator

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If you are interested in partnering with Thrive for an upcoming proposal or a current Center, you can contact us at 317-653-5757 or


The Indiana Cohort 12 applications are due August 16, 2024. More information can be found on the IDOE website:

Thrive currently partners with several 21st Century Community Learning Centers. In Indiana, the Department of Education requires all 21st CCLCs to contract with an external evaluator to complete an annual evaluation of the program. 

Proposal Phase

Thrive views OST clients as partners and appreciates the opportunity to work with them to develop the initial grant application. In addition to planning and reviewing the final application, Thrive is available to write the sections regarding performance measures and evaluation.

Required Annual Evaluation

Thrive provides ongoing evaluation services and technical assistance to grantees throughout the entire year, not just at year-end data collection.

Evaluation Planning

Thrives works with our clients to develop evaluation plans that are tailor fit to the programs and their capacity. We will compile and submit the performance measure template for approval from the Indiana Department of Education.

Data Collection & Analysis

Thrive will develop all data collection tools and monitor deadlines for entering data into the TransAct/Cayen system. Data collection can include but is not limited to, parent surveys. student surveys, staff surveys. and focus groups. All data for performance measures and evaluation will be submitted to Thrive, and we will analyze it. We aim to take as much off your plates as possible when it comes to the evaluation requirements.


Evaluation Reporting

Thrive will submit an evaluation report and executive summary per the IDOE requirements to the client each year. These reports often resemble organizational annual reports and can be easily distributed to stakeholders. In addition, Thrive is available to discuss the reports and evaluation with the Centers and other stakeholders as needed. At the end of the grant, Thrive will submit a longitudinal analysis of students who attended multiple years of programming.


Technical Assistance

Thrive is available for ongoing technical assistance regarding programming and the TransAct/Cayen system. We can establish regular check-in meetings to monitor evaluation activities and programming issues. We also assist in configuring the TransAct/Cayen system to ensure efficient data and attendance entry.

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